Let us introduce our 2019 Rep Jacqueline! She is a rising Lake Highlands High School Senior where she is a Captain of the Varsity Cheerleading Squad, member of the Wranglers and in the National Honor Society as well as the Math Honor Society. And when she is not busy with school activities Jacqueline spends time outside with her dog or playing her guitar. We are hoping to capture her doing both later in her full Senior Session.
This is such a special time for all of our Seniors. It's the culmination of years of work to get to this point in their education. A celebration of reaching a point where so many things will change and life will start whole new chapters. And, for most, their relationship with their immediate families is about to change as they get ready to step out into life on their own. It is one of those defining moments in so many peoples' lives. This is why we personally feel it is so important to capture this benchmark in our Students' and their family's journeys.